Saturday, January 21, 2006


Do you have a listing that just won't sell? Mark Nash, author of "1001
Tips for Buying and Selling a Home," says a few cosmetic updates that
appeal to today's buyers may turn things around.

Read the full story:


Do you have a listing that just won't sell? Mark Nash, author of "1001
Tips for Buying and Selling a Home," says a few cosmetic updates that
appeal to today's buyers may turn things around.

Read the full story:


Sunday, January 15, 2006


A group of Florida lawmakers hopes to pass a bill that bans insurers from
"cherry-picking" which insurance policies they offer in the state. For
example, if a company doing auto and life insurance business in
Florida also sells property insurance in Kansas, then it would be required
to also offer property insurance in Florida. The bill, if it becomes law,
would impact large Florida insurers such as Allstate and Nationwide.

Read the full story:

Technology takes property managers to new level

If you want to be a property manager, get technologically savvy.
Today's property managers often must operate advanced security
software programs, create real-time access to property data and
even establish Web-based bidding processes for service providers.

Read the full story:

This year's hottest zip codes

SALEM, Ore. (CNN/Money) - Whether home prices
will rise or fall in the coming year is anyone's guess. The housing
market continues to stump experts on both sides of the bubble debate.
Even so, economists at Fiserv Case Shiller Weiss think they have
a pretty good idea what's in the cards for most metros in 2005.

Their prediction: Los Angeles will fizzle. Miami will sizzle.

From Renter to Owner

by Pamela Reeves
Scripps Howard News Service

You get married and find a rental house in a neat
neighborhood that you can afford because you're both working.
As time goes on, you dream of owning that big house down the
street with a wrap-around porch.

It's listed at $329,000.

If you are tired of renting email me

Real Estate Glossary

Buying and selling a home can be a scary experience,
even if it isn't your first one. Use this glossary to
make yourself more prepared for the professionals and
documents you'll encounter in your real estate
Glossary here,